Again & Again & Again

Again & Again & Again

Hearing Architecture presents a podcast mini-series Again&Again&Again hosted by Hilary Duff and made possible with the support of Alistair Swayn Foundation. Each interview by Hilary seeks to understand, harness and deploy the expertise and knowledge of professionals in the design community working on circularity with the building industry

EP1: Andri Snaer Magnason - On Time and Water

Podcast, June 2024

"In this episode, we hear from Andri Snær Magnason. He is not our usual podcast guest as he is not a formally trained architect, yet he has worked alongside them, written for and about them, and comes from a lineage of family involved in the environment, whether built or natural."

EP2: Lasse Lind - All buildings are predictions, All predictions are wrong

Podcast, May 2024

"In this episode, we speak with Lasse Lind of GXN, an independent, design-driven research studio that pioneers strategic sustainability within the construction industry. In our discussion Lasse and I explore how these important research consultancies tackle the role in asking questions that there is often not time or space to ask within the architectural process. Lasse explains GXN’s aim to provide insights into the preconditions that inform circularity on the construction site."

EP3: Arnhildur Pálmadóttir - Lava-Forming

Podcast, June 2024

"In this episode, we listen to a thought-provoking discussion with Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, a visionary architect and explorer of new narratives in the built environment. Arnhildur's quest began at a point of despair over climate change, coupled with a deep fascination for science, technology, and geological exploration. Her studio's research is driven by a desire to connect disparate industries and technologies, seeking innovative solutions to pressing global challenges. Among other things, our conversation queries the fundamental materials of modern construction—concrete, steel, and wood—and confront the stark reality of their carbon footprint. Here Arnhildur prompts us to consider a radical shift: What if our buildings could emerge from geological layers, fashioned from locally-sourced materials in harmony with the natural environment?"

EP4: Anna Karlsdóttir & Jan Dobrowolski - This Concrete Nation

Podcast, July 2024

"In this interview, I meet with Ana and Jan of Studio Ludika, an emerging Icelandic based architectural and research practice. Ana is a born and bred Icelander, who teamed with the Polish born, Cario raised Jan, to establish Studio Ludika when living in the UK. In our conversation, Ana and Jan lament that Icelanders we have forgotten how to build self sufficiently, living on an island completely reliant on carbon intensive material imports. Among other things, Ana and Jan comment on how Icelanders used to know how to build with what they had around them. In a country of very little trees for timber, they built within the landscapes. Grassy turf houses that raised and fell back into the earth. They note that at the time, it wasn’t a glorious, but it worked. It kept it’s inhabitants warmed, and safe through icy winters."

EP5: Jonothan Foote & Ula Kozminska - Case of the Quarried Stone

Podcast, July 2024

"In this episode, we speak with Architects and academics, Jon Foote & Ula Kozminska from Aarhus University in Denmark. Our conversation centres around a fascinating paradigm shift in construction—what they term as 'The New Stone Age.' where architects are again considering the ancient benefits of stone, fuelled by a contemporary sustainability agenda. Jonathan and Ula share recent projects exploring the reintroduction of load-bearing stone, questioning the possibility of creating modern stone buildings without steel, structure, and cladding, hearkening back to traditional methods."