Jack Lawrence

Jack Lawrence

Project Architect

Jack is a Project Architect who has worked with Kennedy Nolan since 2015 across a wide range of project scales and typologies, from high end single residences and multi-residential developments to larger commercial projects. 

He is an experienced documenter across a variety of scales of building (from domestic to multi-res and commercial) and a skilled negotiator who is able to quickly distil and interpret key project requirements and co-ordinate these with consultants.

An excellent communicator, Jack combines strong interpersonal and project co-ordination skills with a systematic and deliberate approach to documentation and delivery.

Quick witted and calm under pressure, Jack is interested how the expression and meticulous detail of traditional building materials and structure can create new and unexpected spaces.

Bachelor of Architectural Design (Dist)
Master of Architecture

Registered Architect (ARBV)
Member of the Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA)